25+ Ways to Use Sauerkraut
Sauerkraut seems to be all the rage in healthy food circles recently. Fermented sauerkraut is full of probiotic and other benefits, as opposed to the canned vinegar variety which might taste alright but does not have the same health impact.
It’s easy to get excited about eating sauerkraut, but then when sometimes I’m at loss as to what to actually do with it. Just put in on the table in a dish for a condiment?
Yes, you can do that, but there are so many more options! Below are over 25 ideas and recipes for using sauerkraut. Some of the recipes may need some adjusting to fit your idea of healthy.
Raw sauerkraut – recipes that keep all those probiotics intact. Probiotics have so many benefits, illustrated through many studies!
1. First, a Super Easy Sauerkraut recipe – this method of making sauerkraut makes it a breeze!
2. There are many ways to vary a sauerkraut recipes as well, here are 8 simple variations from Fearless Eating and Kimchi Kraut from Real Food Forger.
3. Homemade Mommy uses sauerkraut as coleslaw salad. I roughly followed this recipe (no celery seed here, for instance) and it was delicious!
4. As a topping in sandwiches, sausages, or hamburgers, like Made To Glow’s monster burger with an eggplant bun.
5. Real Food Forger found more than 6 ways drinking specifically sauerkraut juice can benefit you – fascinating and surprising info!
6. Little Owl Crunchy Momma lists 20+ ways to use fermented brine, giving some ideas on how to consume some of those benefits.
7. Chop it up and add it as a topping to soups and stews, it’s especially good with legumes. A guest of mine was recently surprised with how good it was!
8. My mom used to sometimes make us reuben sandwiches, like this one from Nourishing Joy, although hers were open faced and didn’t have any dressing. You can use any meat and any type of bread or bread alternative. Here’s a variation on GNOWFLINS, a big flat reuben, weighing down a whole loaf of bread.
9. These reuben rolls look like a delicious and unusual appetizer, on Taste of Home, and are easy to make to boot.
10. Wholesome Cook lists 6+ ways to use sauerkraut, including a recipe for a Kiwi Sauerkraut Smoothie! I’m intrigued, and am going to try adding it to a smoothie.
11. It’s also one of her favourite fillings in rice free nori rolls (or rice filled would work too). What about spring rolls?
12. Chop it up finely and add to any sandwich filling, like egg or tuna spread.
Cooked Sauerkraut
Yes, cooking sauerkraut does kill the probiotics BUT I think cooking sauerkraut is a great way to adjust taste buds to the sauerkraut taste. Cooking sauerkraut mellows it out, while still staying sauerkrauty, so that it is easier for those used to more bland flavours to handle than raw sauerkraut. Even if cooked, sauerkraut still retains the benefits of being a vegetable (like organic acids). As well, cooked sauerkraut is such an old world comfort food! Some of the below recipes may mean canned vinegar sauerkraut, but of course I recommend using the ‘real’ thing!
Update: Even though the probiotics are killed by heat, studies are showing that there are still health benefits to consuming dead probiotics and that they are even sometimes more effective. Study 1, study 2, study 3.
13. Strapacky is a Slovak dish baking sauerkraut, bacon, and little ‘dumplings.’ For my version I used potatoes instead, and sweet potatoes and maybe cauliflower would work as well. I may be biased, but I think that this is one of the easiest ways for a sauerkraut hater to eat sauerkraut – it’s very mild.
14. Bacon and sauerkraut are perfect companions, here’s a delicious sounding Sauerkraut with Bacon and Apples from Simply Recipes.
15. She also has a recipe for stuffed hot dogs or sausages – stuff with sauerkraut, wrap closed with bacon and grill. Brilliant!
16. The Reuben sandwich is inspiration for many variations, like Creamy Reuben Soup on Maria Mind Body Health,
17. Reuben Pizza Roll from I Wash You Dry (or how about a flat pizza with sauerkraut?),
18. Hot Reuben Dip from Noble Pig.
19. and Reuben Biscuits on King Arthur Flour.
19. Throw it in any kind of quesadilla, like this apple cheddar quesadilla on Eating Well.
20. Casseroles galore! Some ideas are a German lasanga, baked with pork chops, shepherd’s pie (or cottage pie) type from Kayotic Kitchen , or with sausage (this one is braised but it could be baked too, with or without the beer) from Chaos in the Kitchen.
21. Soups and stews – yup, cooked with sauerkraut. Segedinsky goulash is a creamy Slovak stew (with dairy free option); sauerkraut cabbage roll soup at Closet Cooking; Bigos a thick stew with a variety of meat and prunes from Wholesome Cook; Kapustnica, another Slovak sauerkraut soup.
22. How about deep fried German sauerkraut and potato balls?
23. Chocolate cake! You could even make it sourdough chocolate cake. I saw references to supposedly amazing sauerkraut doughnuts, but couldn’t find a recipe.
24. Metenik, or Slovak sauerkraut flatbread (cauliflower version, anyone?) on Slovak Cooking.
25. And, last, sauerkraut filled pierogies from The Kitchn.
Whew! I think there are enough ideas there to last you the winter at least!
How do you like to use sauerkraut? Any favourite recipes?
You may enjoy other fermented vegetable recipes, like Fermented Red Onions, Baek (White) Kimchi, Family Favourite Cauliflower, or Spiced Apple Chutney.
Also, make sure to follow my sauerkraut Pinterest board as I find more sauerkraut recipes, and email me if you would like to contribute.
Shared at Pennywise Platter Thursday
Nov 16, 2014 @ 14:31:12
One of my favorite ways to use raw sauerkraut is as a bed for a soft boiled egg. Break the egg over the top and the hot yolk warms the kraut just a bit.
Nov 16, 2014 @ 17:13:23
Mmmm, that sounds so good! Definitely going to try that!
Nov 18, 2014 @ 21:55:25
Sauerkraut – brings a lot of memories for me. We used to make it home with my parents. I love it a lot! I am definitely making Strapacky tomorrow!
Nov 19, 2014 @ 18:27:51
I love that sauerkraut is still made and eaten here in Slovakia – it’s a great heritage! Enjoy the strapacky.
Nov 18, 2014 @ 21:57:47
I’ll be sharing this resource with friends and I’ve pinned it to my Recipes Using Vegetables shared board.
Nov 19, 2014 @ 18:26:35
Thank you!
Nov 18, 2014 @ 22:10:40
What wonderful idea, I am always trying to get more cultured foods in throughout the day.
Nov 19, 2014 @ 18:25:56
Me too! I really think cultured foods need a more prominent place in everyday food!
Nov 18, 2014 @ 22:12:17
I must Pin this! Fantastic resource. Thank you!
Nov 19, 2014 @ 18:25:08
You’re welcome and thank you! 🙂
Nov 18, 2014 @ 22:38:29
These are wonderful ideas for sauerkraut.. never knew you could do all of that! 🙂
Nov 19, 2014 @ 18:24:51
It’s amazing what ideas people come up with!
Nov 19, 2014 @ 01:22:20
Love this!!! I am a huge kraut fan.
Nov 19, 2014 @ 18:24:24
It’s too bad it has a bad rap, cause it is so good!
Nov 19, 2014 @ 01:43:00
Wow! Great ideas. I always eat it with a veggie patty and eggs in the morning…and I am tired of it! I will now add it to soup, potatoes …etc!
Nov 19, 2014 @ 18:23:49
It pairs so well with potatoes especially. Glad to give a few new ideas!
Nov 19, 2014 @ 03:09:37
Great ideas Naomi! This is so useful because I have a hard time getting it in daily just on it’s own!
Nov 19, 2014 @ 18:23:16
Before I was like, so should I serve sauerkraut as a side…or as a side? You’re welcome!
Nov 19, 2014 @ 04:02:45
I pinned several of these. It’s really nice to have a compilation of kraut recipes b/c everyone’s minds imagine up different fun ideas… like the stew, which I would never have thought of; but it sounds delicious. Thanks!!
Nov 19, 2014 @ 18:22:26
I had never thought of sauerkraut in soup or stew either! The benefits of getting to know other culture’s food!
Nov 20, 2014 @ 06:45:31
What a great resource! We are huge sauerkraut fans around here!
Nov 20, 2014 @ 11:16:08
Yay for sauerkraut!
Nov 21, 2014 @ 06:46:53
Thank you for this! I love hearing of new ways to eat nutritiously and get my fermented veggies. 🙂
Nov 21, 2014 @ 21:57:00
Always glad to hear of someone getting their fermented veggies in!
Nov 08, 2015 @ 18:13:48
Thank you for the info that heating sauerkraut kills the probiotics. I did not know that very important fact before.
Nov 13, 2015 @ 12:53:32
Hi Deborah, while heating does kill probiotics, some studies are showing that there are still health benefits to consuming dead ‘probiotics’ and are even sometimes more effective. I updated the article with studies illustrating this, if you are interested. So, cooking sauerkraut is still healthy! 🙂
Nov 13, 2015 @ 13:11:27
Great info. Thank you very much, Naomi!!
Feb 15, 2016 @ 08:55:53
Wow, can’t wait to get into this sauerkraut, I’m a German born Aussie, and haven’t had it for many, many years, but I do remember Mum cooking with it. Now I’m going to try it, as my husband wants to have a go. He’s Scottish.
Feb 15, 2016 @ 10:07:49
Good luck, let me know how it goes!
Mar 04, 2016 @ 16:53:02
Thanks for the Study Links concerning the health benefits of the probiotics killed by heat. Very informative, I appreciate your research and references..
I’m glad to learn cooking the probiotics is still beneficial.
“”Update: Even though the probiotics are killed by heat, studies are showing that there are still health benefits to consuming dead probiotics and that they are even sometimes more effective. Study 1, study 2, study 3.”
Mar 04, 2016 @ 22:16:25
You’re welcome! Enjoy eating sauerkraut.
Mar 25, 2016 @ 18:18:11
Hi naomi..ukrainian heritage here..we love sauerkraut and was wondering .i don’t have any cabbage and i want to do a slab of corned beef in the crockpot wit it..will that work??..drain first? etc. thx..huggzz
Aug 08, 2016 @ 21:37:55
I found your site by accident. So glad I did. Its very interesting. I’m an Alternative Medicine therapist in central California. Teaching people to be at healthier while still learning more myself. I love my work. I’m very sure your information will be of great benefit. Looking forward to your future emails.
Thank you. Debbie Parks
Natural Healing Detox Health Center
Aug 23, 2016 @ 00:56:22
Thanks for writing! It has been quiet here during the summer but I’ve got a couple posts coming soon. The journey of learning about healthy living never ends, and it’s so great to share it with others.
Aug 06, 2017 @ 06:42:01
My fave is sauerkraut fried with swiss cheese (emmental) until slightly crispy. It’s even better with sliced sausage or hot dogs mixed in.
Aug 14, 2017 @ 12:26:07
Oooh, that sounds good. Do you grate the cheese and mix it in with the sauerkraut?
Sep 27, 2017 @ 16:12:55
Enjoyed your article. Previously I only used sauerkraut on hotdogs. I also use it in something I call Polish pizza…could’ve called it Slovak pizza as well, but since it has kielbasa I chose that side of my family.
Looking forward to trying sauerkraut in other ways, and to reading more of your blog!
Sep 27, 2017 @ 21:24:36
That Polish pizza looks sooo good! Mushroom gravy is a great idea, it would work better than the classic tomato sauce.
Hope you enjoy the blog!
Apr 12, 2018 @ 03:06:54
Every one is Yummy!
Apr 17, 2018 @ 22:01:40