Finding Beauty (snippets from the weekend)
“Blessed are they who see beautiful things in humble places where other people see nothing.” -Camille Pissarro
I grew up in a mountain valley where beauty was obvious every day. My walk to the school bus on crisp winter mornings included pink mountain tops stained by the rising sun, untampered snowy fields spread out before me and evergreen trees under their white covering lining the lane behind me (the walk to catch the school bus was about two km (one mile) – don’t be surprised if I say it was uphill both ways).
I admit that when I first came to Slovakia nine years ago it was sometimes harder to see the beauty. I was a country girl in a post-Communist city. Yes, the centre has historic architecture and old-world charm, but I didn’t see the centre often. I remember going for a walk on a difficult day, overwhelmed by the ugly city with it’s ugly apartment buildings and ugly excuse of a park; I didn’t have a camera but even using my hands to frame a small moment of beauty helped me to calm down. They were there, I just had to change my perspective.
Those moments of beauty can be small – a spot of moss on a brick (how many times have I passed those bricks and never noticed?);
sometimes unexpected (rebar and dead clematis vines in front of a rusty barrel);
sometimes hopeful (even though winter wasn’t wintery, soon there will be leaves and fruit and fresh garden produce);
sometimes more fun and interesting than pretty;
sometimes it requires a second look. Two older women walked by as I was photographing a house paused mid-demolish, an eyesore. After cooing over sleeping twins, they asked if I was taking pictures because I wanted to buy the house. “No,” I answered, “it’s just supposed to be artistic.” They laughed, “That’s art!” referring, I suppose, to those unintelligible works of art that make you go ‘huh?’
But that is art, isn’t it? Finding beauty in the ordinary, or even in the eyesore?
How do you find beauty, visual or otherwise? Do you think beauty is important?
Shared at Sunday Social
Feb 26, 2014 @ 14:20:00
Ups! Silne to slova pre slovensku cast tvojich citatelov. Hladam, kde sa stala chyba. Ja poznam Slovensko inak, a nielen preto ze som Slovenka, je totiz milion veci preco ho aj nenavidim. Ale ak cloveka z cudziny zaujmu veci, o ktorych si napisala a stoji mu za to napisat o nich clanok pre inych, ktori o Slovensku nevedia nic, tak to je smutne. Mozno je to chyba nas Slovakov, ze sme ti este neukazali kvality, o ktorych by si mohla napisat. Nechavame si ich pre seba, a tebe sa potom zda, ze je tu viac takych ludi, ktori ti povedia ze tvoje umenie je cudne, ako takych, ktori sa na tvoje fotky pozeraju s ocarenim a chcu si ich doma vyvesit na stenu. Alebo mozno, ze tych co ta nechapu nieje viac, ale ze sa viac oplati napisat o takych… Nie som z tych hrdych Slovakov, stava sa casto, ze sa musim za svoju krajinu hanbit, ale vzdy ked to tak je, tak to boli… Hlavne na takychto blogoch, kde si to citaju ludia z inych krajin a robia si z nich o Slovakoch nazor, lebo nemaju sancu si ho utvorit z niecoho ineho. Viem, aka je Kanada krasna, a ze sa kazdy z nej vrati ohureny, viem ze sa to so Slovenskom neda ani len porovnat, viem ze mozno aj ludia su tam ini, mozno chapavejsi a otvoreni pre nove veci, ale mentalita ludstva sa meni z krajiny do krajiny, tvori sa storociami, historiou, to co sa stalo kedysi velmi davno… Treba toto vsetko vziat do uvahy pri zodpovednosti za tvorenie mienky inych ludi… Nechcem sa hadat, len ma to, co si napisala uprimne mrzi. Aj preto, ze ta tie tetky tak odbili.
Feb 26, 2014 @ 22:01:54
Eliska, je mi luto ze som nejasna napisala alebo ze si zle rozumela. Ani neviem presne preco si myslis ze som dala zlu predstavu Slovensku. Pisala som o cas ked som zila v Bratislave a mala som zmenit seba, aby mohla som vidiet krasu. Alebo mozno si myslis ze tie fotky malo by mat lepsie subjekt? Neporovam Kanadu a Slovensku, mozno prirodu a mesto. Upravila som co som napisala aby je jasnesia.
Feb 26, 2014 @ 22:38:06
A nemyslela som nic zle o tie tetky – jasne som vyzerala cudna ked fotim buranky domcek. Viac som sa hambila.
Mar 01, 2014 @ 03:00:21
Yes, if we learn to look life is bursting with beauty, goodness and mystery. In the mico and the macro of our lives.
Mar 02, 2014 @ 07:42:22
Yes, beauty is all around us through all of our senses. It makes the hard times so much easier.
Mar 02, 2014 @ 19:41:45
What beautiful pictures! I love pictures of nature. Thank you for linking up to the Sunday Social.
Mar 02, 2014 @ 22:24:21
Thanks so much. Thank you for hosting!
Mar 03, 2014 @ 03:04:48
Thank you for sharing your perspective – you are right, it is all in how you look at it and I’m glad you are looking for beauty! Thank you for coming by the Sunday Social today!
Mar 03, 2014 @ 07:13:29
I’m glad you enjoyed it, thank you for hosting!
Mar 05, 2014 @ 05:23:00
Your pictures are touching Naomi. You have always inspired me to stop and soak in the small beautiful things in life wherever I go, and however hard it may feel like.
Mar 05, 2014 @ 07:40:13
Glad you liked the pictures…not sure so about the second part 😉
The Sunday Social Blog Hop #5 - Amazing Graze Farm
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[…] Finding Beauty, No Matter Where You Are […]
The Sunday Social Blog Hop 3/10/14 | The Granola Mommy
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[…] Finding Beauty, No Matter Where You Are […]
The Sunday Social Blog Hop 3/9/14 | The Granola Mommy
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[…] Finding Beauty, No Matter Where You Are […]
The Sunday Social Blog Hop March 9 :: Grassfed Mama
Apr 02, 2014 @ 22:21:19
[…] Finding Beauty, No Matter Where You Are […]