June 2015 Photos
I’m starting a new series with photos from the month that didn’t warrant a whole post but that I wanted to share anyway. I’ve shared some on Instagram but my new phone requires more work to put up a big camera photo, and therefore I get them up less.
This month I actually have photos since the end of April, so there are some spring ones in there as well.
Sunrise on the former monastery in Gaming, Austria.
Despite looking like lilacs, these lilac coloured flowers were growing singly in my sister in law’s lawn. I have no idea what they are, but I saved them from the lawnmower.
Children lined up in folk costume for the Maypole dance.
Black Locust Blossoms. They are edible and I had wanted to share a recipe with you. The first recipe didn’t quite work (due to me leaving it too long in the fridge) and the blossoms were over before I had a chance to try my second recipe idea. Next year.
An abandoned Jewish cemetery, ironically right across the road from…
An old Communist sign still proclaiming its faded message “United fight and work for Socialism” with the then Czechoslovak flag.
I’ve walked this path hundreds, if not thousands, of times. Always be ready to see something ordinary in a new light.
More photos are on my Flickr account, for enthusiasts.
Which was your favourite picture?
Jul 02, 2015 @ 01:36:43
Naomi, these are beautiful! I love the pathway you’ve trod a thousand times.
Jul 02, 2015 @ 09:09:21
Thank you 🙂
Jul 02, 2015 @ 02:10:49
Beautiful photography! You probably have a story for each photo and I think I would enjoy every one…interesting!
Thank you for sharing!
Jul 02, 2015 @ 09:13:11
My stories are kind of like this: I convinced my husband that we had to go out of our way a bit to the black locust trees because, you know, the blog. The trees weren’t quite at their peak yet, but he waited while I ran around taking pictures and gathered a few branches. I soaked the blossoms in cream for an idea, but ended up not getting to it for a few days, by which time the cream tasted more cheesy than anything. I had in mind to go another nearby place to take pics and forge, but never made it. The end.
Jul 02, 2015 @ 03:29:11
I love the photo of the single flower (the one you posted last). I like how the light plays against it, illuminating the tiny hairs on its stalk (or are they thorns?).
Jul 02, 2015 @ 09:14:13
I really like glowing photos like that too. They are just tiny hairs on a poppy, not thorns, although they are a bit prickly.
Jul 02, 2015 @ 09:34:56
I really liked the church, as well as the poppies on the walkway! Poppies are so unfathomably beautiful, like a watercolour picture every time. Lovely work, and fun adventuring.
Jul 02, 2015 @ 09:36:43
OK, you know, they’re all great in their own way! Sorry for being wishy washy, but those children are pretty special, and the countryside is just gorgeous. The green, the hills…
So, I vote for all of them! Haha!
Jul 02, 2015 @ 09:56:07
Haha, I feel great if you vote for all of them! Glad you enjoyed.
Jul 02, 2015 @ 15:04:31
So happy you are sharing these wonderful photos.
Jul 02, 2015 @ 20:08:15
Glad you enjoyed!
Jul 03, 2015 @ 00:01:54
Love them all, but my favorite is probably the last one. Great job!
Jul 03, 2015 @ 20:57:21
Thank you!