Roasted Sweet Potato Puree with Orange & Coconut AND Giveaway: And Here We Are At The Table
When I was growing up, meals were a sit-down-together deal. When any meal was ready, be it breakfast, lunch, or supper, Mom called and we all sat down. To be honest, I can’t really remember what we talked about, other than Dad making jokes. What I remember is the atmosphere. It seemed like such a normal thing, but now I appreciate it in this fast paced world of ours. As we children got older, supper became a long drawn out affair as we sat around afterwards, talking and joking and sharing our days. And picking at the leftovers – we got to saying that when you picked there weren’t any calories.
Snapshots of memories at the table:
In an attempt to foster polite eating habits in young children, Mom gets us to show her how we would eat if the Queen was coming for dinner.
One of my sisters waiting until everyone was done their (rare) dessert, and then slowly savouring each little bite of her own dessert while the rest of us look on with longing.
Shouting “That enough!!” when someone else is pouring maple syrup on their pancakes.
Sharing in the bubbling electric wok in the middle of the table, adding vegetables, noodles, or meat for shabu shabu, chopsticks clicking, sometimes slipping, dipping in the sauce.
That sense of connection over the table is partly why I love a cookbook called And Here We Are At The Table. The author, Ariana, has a lovely blog And Here We Are where she shares real food recipes, stories. and photos from her family’s travels. Though American, Ariana grew up in the Philippines, and has lived in various parts of the US, Germany, England, and soon Spain. Her range of living places matches the subtitle of the cookbook, Grain-Free Meals from Around the World.
The cookbook is full of lovely photographs and delicious sounding recipes. My next shopping trip is going to involve some grapefruit (never even heard of eating it like Ariana describes), sweet potatoes (recipe following), and some Thai themed herbs for steak.
What I particularly like about the cookbook, however, are her stories and descriptions of living in different places, from comparing markets to describing her walk to get eggs to a crazy but bonding trip to Italy. The stories and photos make the cookbook personal and a cozy book to peruse. She also writes about a healthy relationship to healthy food, advice for going grain free, and a sample of a week’s worth of groceries. The theme running throughout the book is connection, connecting with friends over food, connecting with the source of our food, and connecting with different cultures.
Included in the 80 recipes are recipes with foraged material (and tips for foraging for food), fermented drinks, and a walk through of some real food basics, like making stock and sauerkraut. And let’s not forget the sweet treats, like a special hot chocolate influenced by her Filipino upbringing or Tahini Molasses Cookies.
And Here We Are At The Table is available in print from Amazon (not affiliate link) or as digital (affiliate link). The digital version includes 3 how to videos, bigger photos, and extra stories/tips.
The digital version also has the bonus of having a discount, -30% with the promotion code ATTHETABLE, good until February 11, 2015.
AND you can also enter a giveaway to win a copy of the digital And Here We Are At The Table! Until February 10th at 12:00 pm PST, just leave a comment if you are subscribed to Almost Bananas (at the top of sidebar or bottom of post). This is mandatory. For extra chances to win, take a look at more info for And Here We Are At The Table and leave a SEPARATE comment on what dish you would like to try. A winner will be randomly chosen.
Ariana has graciously offered to share a recipe from the book. This Roasted Sweet Potato Puree with Orange & Coconut, which she describes as vegetable candy, looks absolutely amazing.
- 4 lbs. sweet potatoes
- ½ of a 14 oz. can coconut milk
- juice and zest of 1 orange, preferably organic
- 1 inch fresh ginger, grated
- Equipment: either an immersion blender or a food
- processor.
- Roast your sweet potatoes in a 350o F or 180o C oven, until they are thoroughly soft. The amount of time will depend completely on the size and thickness of your sweet potatoes, so it will take at least 30 minutes, and could be quite a bit longer.
- Remove your sweet potatoes from the oven, and let them cool enough that you can handle them. Pull the skins off and discard– put the roasted sweet potatoes in a large bowl, or in the work bowl of your food processor, if using.
- Add the coconut milk, orange juice, ginger and 1 teaspoon of sea salt, and blend– either with immersion blender or food processor– until completely smooth and creamy.
- Taste and adjust seasoning as needed.
- If making ahead, pour into a baking dish and cover and refrigerate, reheating in a 275o F (140o C) oven before serving.
Jan 23, 2015 @ 09:53:03
I am subscribed!
Jan 23, 2015 @ 13:55:49
I am subscribed. I am interested in new flavor combinations.
Jan 23, 2015 @ 14:38:59
Jan 23, 2015 @ 14:43:18
I’m intrigued by the carrot parsnip cake, and there’s a picture on the cookbook page of her website that looks so tasty, but I don’t know what it is!
Jan 23, 2015 @ 14:59:29
I’m a subscriber. Anything fermented or foraged.
Jan 23, 2015 @ 18:39:45
would love to get the book plan to make this tomorrow thanks am a subscriber here
Jan 23, 2015 @ 20:04:32
I am subscribed! I am really interested on learning more about foraging and recipes using those ingredients!
Jan 23, 2015 @ 22:30:36
I would like to try anything hoping to trick my children into eating more vegetables. This recipe looks like a good chance. Thanks!
Jan 24, 2015 @ 02:40:44
This sounds like a wonderful addition to our grain free cookbooks! Yum! Love international cooking!
Jan 24, 2015 @ 03:00:07
The sweet potato recipe sounds like what I would try.
Jan 24, 2015 @ 04:42:12
I subscribe to Almost Bananas… enjoy the wonderful flavors
Jan 25, 2015 @ 20:43:37
I am already a subscriber and a lover of yams. The addition of orange juice and ginger sounds divine.
Jan 26, 2015 @ 16:50:08
I’m already subscribed. This recipe sounds wonderful!
Jan 27, 2015 @ 12:57:23
I am subscribed and I’d like to try the recipe called The Almond Dutch Baby
Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net
Jan 27, 2015 @ 18:13:08
I’ve subscribed! I am so interested to read more of your blog– I spent a year in Slovakia and loved it.
Jan 27, 2015 @ 18:15:33
as for the cookbook, I’d love to try making my own sauerkraut. I’ve just started looking into food fermentation and soaking/fermenting the grains I use in bread, but I am curious about using these techniques on gluten free foods… hopefully I can pass some tips on to my brother, who is on a gluten free diet.
Jan 30, 2015 @ 04:26:04
subscribed! everything looks good, so i really don’t know which recipe i’d try first! thanks for the chance to win! 🙂
Jan 30, 2015 @ 07:32:38
I’m subscribed, and I would love to cook anything with sweet potatoes (my current craving) or anything savory. I get tired of everything being about dessert.
Feb 02, 2015 @ 15:04:05
Would be nice to win a book, although I will have much less time to try new recipes
Feb 03, 2015 @ 00:05:57
I am a nomadic girl that is just getting into clean eating & would love such a fun cookbook.
Feb 09, 2015 @ 04:36:51
I’m subscribed. I love new cookbooks and trying out new recipes on my family 😉
Feb 14, 2015 @ 18:12:03
Hi. I have just subscribed. I would love to try the liver pate. My old and trusted recipe has been lost.